Mobile security

110 articles

Fake iPhone charger can hack iOS in under 60 seconds

Fake iPhone charger can hack iOS in under 60 seconds

Fake iPhone charger can hack iOS in under 60 seconds

A fake iPhone charger could be used to bypass the defenses of Apple's smartphone, three researchers from Georgia Tech have claimed. In an upcoming presentation at this summer’s Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas, the researchers claim to have created a “malicious charger” which can inject software into an iOS device in under a minute.

Rob Waugh03 Jun 2013

Cybercrime a growing concern for businesses, security spending up at 40% of UK firms

Cybercrime a growing concern for businesses, security spending up at 40% of UK firms

Cybercrime a growing concern for businesses, security spending up at 40% of UK firms

Fears of cybercrime have become a major concern for many businesses - with security spending rising at four out of ten firms, a UK survey has found.

Rob Waugh03 Apr 2013

Gartner indicates shift to mobile computing happening faster than expected

Gartner indicates shift to mobile computing happening faster than expected

Gartner indicates shift to mobile computing happening faster than expected

According to a survey by technology industry analysts Gartner, the adoption of mobile devices is happening even faster than expected.

Rob Waugh15 Mar 2013

Rogue developers hiding Android malware in apps on Google Play

Rogue developers hiding Android malware in apps on Google Play

Rogue developers hiding Android malware in apps on Google Play

Respected security blogger Brian Krebs reports that an “explosion in Android malware” is being fuelled by a growing market for hijacked of rogue developer accounts on Google Play, Google’s official Android app store.

Rob Waugh11 Mar 2013

Android security issues: does a Microsoft Windows analogy make sense?

Android security issues: does a Microsoft Windows analogy make sense?

Android security issues: does a Microsoft Windows analogy make sense?

Malware targeting Android devices shows no signs of relenting, despite the enthusiasm of Android fans. We look at key data points and weigh risks to users.

Stephen Cobb11 Mar 2013

Five tips to stay safer using Wi-Fi in public places

Five tips to stay safer using Wi-Fi in public places

Five tips to stay safer using Wi-Fi in public places

Rob Waugh17 Dec 2012

Trends for 2013: astounding growth of mobile malware

Trends for 2013: astounding growth of mobile malware

Trends for 2013: astounding growth of mobile malware

Sebastián Bortnik11 Dec 2012

The Dynamic Duo for Securing your Android: Common Sense and Security Software

The Dynamic Duo for Securing your Android: Common Sense and Security Software

The Dynamic Duo for Securing your Android: Common Sense and Security Software

Aryeh Goretsky15 Sep 2012

FinSpy and FinFisher spy on you via your cellphone and PC, for good or evil?

FinSpy and FinFisher spy on you via your cellphone and PC, for good or evil?

FinSpy and FinFisher spy on you via your cellphone and PC, for good or evil?

Cameron Camp30 Aug 2012