Kids online

81 articles

Making devices secure this Christmas

Making devices secure this Christmas

Making devices secure this Christmas

Increasingly, on special occasions like birthdays and Christmas, parents are buying mobile and internet connected devices for their children. Our guide looks at how to make them safe before they are are unwrapped.

Narinder Purba14 Dec 2015

How parents can assess the suitability of apps for their kids

How parents can assess the suitability of apps for their kids

How parents can assess the suitability of apps for their kids

Confused about being able to assess the suitability of apps for your children? This handy features highlights some of the key things to look out for.

Editor04 Dec 2015

4 top security tips for parents

4 top security tips for parents

4 top security tips for parents

This introductory guide to online safety offers parents some useful security tips on how to protect their children.

Editor25 Nov 2015

Child safety in a digital age

Child safety in a digital age

Child safety in a digital age

Editor12 Nov 2015

5 things you can monitor with your parental control tool

5 things you can monitor with your parental control tool

5 things you can monitor with your parental control tool

One of the biggest concerns parents have about the internet is the sites their children are browsing. Parental control tools can help allay this worry.

Camilo Gutiérrez Amaya10 Nov 2015

UK parents ‘want minimum age for smartphone ownership’

UK parents ‘want minimum age for smartphone ownership’

UK parents ‘want minimum age for smartphone ownership’

A survey has found that most parents in the UK are keen to see a minimum age introduced for smartphone ownership.

Karl Thomas30 Sep 2015

Why parents must teach their children about internet security

Why parents must teach their children about internet security

Why parents must teach their children about internet security

Children as young as five are surfing the web on a daily basis, but are parents doing enough to educate them on the dangers of the online world? We investigate.

Editor25 Sep 2015

Make password into a story and more parental hacks

Make password into a story and more parental hacks

Make password into a story and more parental hacks

It’s important to ensure your child's data and devices are secure at school and at home. Check out our to back to school digital security guide.

Lysa Myers24 Aug 2015

How to nurture your child’s security genius

How to nurture your child’s security genius

How to nurture your child’s security genius

Is your child a security genius? If you think so, here’s what you can do to harness that potential for a career that is exciting and financially lucrative.

Editor21 Aug 2015