
422 articles


Getting started with Bitcoin

Getting started with Bitcoin


Getting started with Bitcoin

Everyone is talking about Bitcoin but is it a safe investment for your savings? We Live Security has five tips for protecting yourself against cybercriminals.

Editor15 Jan 2014

How To, Video

Social media safety: top five tips

Social media safety: top five tips

How To, Video

Social media safety: top five tips

Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are great, but use them with caution. We Live Security has five tips to keep you safe.

Alan Martin29 Nov 2013


Twitter: two-factor logins explained

Twitter: two-factor logins explained


Twitter: two-factor logins explained

Twitter's two-factor login is the best way to keep your account secure -- We Live Security explains how it works.

Alan Martin28 Nov 2013

How To, Video

Secure passwords: top five tips

Secure passwords: top five tips

How To, Video

Secure passwords: top five tips

Passwords are the first line of defence for staying safe online -- here are We Live Security's top five tips for picking a secure password.

Alan Martin28 Nov 2013

How To, Video

Top five Facebook scams

Top five Facebook scams

How To, Video

Top five Facebook scams

Facebook is perfect for keeping friends close, but be cautious. We Live Security highlights five Facebook scams to look out for.

Alan Martin28 Nov 2013

How To, Video

Cloud storage: top five tips

Cloud storage: top five tips

How To, Video

Cloud storage: top five tips

Cloud storage is convenient, but is it safe? We Live Security brings you a rundown of the top five tips for cloud storage safety.

Alan Martin28 Nov 2013


ESET Parental Controls

ESET Parental Controls


ESET Parental Controls

Joao20 Nov 2013


ESET reveals further facts about OS X Flashback Trojan

ESET reveals further facts about OS X Flashback Trojan


ESET reveals further facts about OS X Flashback Trojan

Rob Waugh21 Sep 2012