25 reports

WeLiveSecurity Magazine

WeLiveSecurity Magazine

This special white paper was commissioned for MWC 2019. It contains some of our most important research pieces and informative articles from the past few months.

ESET Cybersecurity Barometer USA 2018

ESET Cybersecurity Barometer USA 2018

The ESET Cybersecurity Barometer USA is a survey of public opinion about cybersecurity, cybercrime, and related privacy concerns in America. The survey was conducted because there is a lack of publicly funded research quantifying American public attitudes towards, and experience of, these critically important issues.

Cybersecurity Trends 2019: Privacy and Intrusion in the Global Village

Cybersecurity Trends 2019: Privacy and Intrusion in the Global Village

For several years now, ESET experts from around the world have been contributing to our annual Trends report, which offers a brief review of the milestones reached in the world of cybersecurity and our predictions about possible attack scenarios and measures to counteract them in 2019.

ESET Cybersecurity Barometer Canada 2018

ESET Cybersecurity Barometer Canada 2018

The ESET Cybersecurity Barometer Canada is a survey of public opinion about cybersecurity and cybercrime. The survey was conducted because there is a dearth of contemporary research quantifying public attitudes toward, and experience of, cybercrime. Yet public support for cybersecurity efforts, including cybercrime deterrence, is critical to preserving the benefits of the digital technologies upon which we now rely.

Ransomware: An enterprise perspective

Ransomware: An enterprise perspective

The goals of this paper are to explain why ransomware is still a serious threat to your organization– regardless of size – and what your organization can do to reduce exposure to, and damage from, ransomware attacks. Three ransomware attack vectors are addressed in this order: remote access, email, and supply chain  Primarily intended for an executive audience, the paper should be helpful to CEOs, CIOs, CISOs, and risk managers.

IoT and Privacy by Design in the Smart Home

IoT and Privacy by Design in the Smart Home

The Internet of Things (IoT) has become a globally recognized term in workplaces and homes, and in a literal sense could be used to describe anything that is connected to the internet. However, if you ask what sort of devices are included in the IoT, then you are likely to get differing answers with respondents describing the devices they have come into contact with, or know about.

Data privacy and data protection: US law and legislation

Data privacy and data protection: US law and legislation

Over the last four decades, the privacy of personal data has been the subject of legislation and litigation in both the US and the EU. Protection of personal data privacy under the law has been shaped by the interests of multiple constituencies: individuals, commercial organizations, government agencies, law enforcement, and national security services.

Cybersecurity Trends 2018: The Cost of Our Connected World

Cybersecurity Trends 2018: The Cost of Our Connected World

While our writers can never say  for certain that the issues covered in the following articles will come to pass we certainly wish for a less turbulent year in the cybersecurity world. We as well hope that this report will help readers become more aware of the problems that may occur. We are optimistic that a forward-thinking exercise such as Trends 2018 will enable all those    involved with, and concerned about, cybersecurity to contemplate, discuss, and counter current challenges and those to come.

State of Cybersecurity in APAC: Small Businesses, Big Threats

State of Cybersecurity in APAC: Small Businesses, Big Threats

Most companies understand cybersecurity solutions bring about benefits such as better control over data and services, and higher reliability, but are less confident about its impacts on deliverables such as sales and resource savings.