As you'll know if you've read this month's ESET Global Threat Report, ESET had quite a few papers and presentations accepted at this year's Virus Bulletin conference. Many of those (along with many excellent presentations by other security researchers) can now be found on the Virus Bulletin conference slides page here and I'd encourage you to find some time to take a look at them all. However, here's a quick guide to the ESET presentations now available there.
- Righard Zwienenberg: BYOD:(B)rought (Y)our (O)wn (D)estruction?
- Stephen Cobb: Malware and Mrs Malaprop: what do consumers really know about AV?
- David Harley, Steven Burn, Martijn Grooten & Craig Johnston: My PC has 32,539 errors: how telephone support scams really work
- Eugene Rodionov & Aleksandr Matrosov: Defeating anti-forensics in contemporary complex threats
- Pablo Ramos: Dorkbot: hunting zombies in Latin America
- Jean-Ian Boutin: Gataka: a banking trojan ready to take off?
ESET Senior Research Fellow