White Papers

13 reports

Baromètre ESET de la cybersécurité au Canada 2018

Baromètre ESET de la cybersécurité au Canada 2018

Le Baromètre de la cybersécurité au Canada 2018 d’ESET est une enquête d'opinion publique sur la cybersécurité et la cybercriminalité. Cette analyse a été menée pour palier à la pénurie de recherches contemporaines quantifiant les attitudes du public à l'égard de la cybercriminalité et son expérience dans ce domaine. Pourtant, l'appui du public aux efforts de cybersécurité, y compris la dissuasion de la cybercriminalité, est essentiel pour préserver les avantages des technologies numériques sur lesquelles nous comptons maintenant.

LOJAX: First UEFI rootkit found in the wild, courtesy of the Sednit group

LOJAX: First UEFI rootkit found in the wild, courtesy of the Sednit group

ESET researchers have discovered the first in-the-wild UEFI rootkit. Dubbed LoJax, the research team has shown that the Sednit operators used different components of the LoJax malware to target a few government organizations in the Balkans as well as in Central and Eastern Europe. The Sednit group is a resourceful APT group targeting people and organizations around the world. It has been in operation since at least 2004, using a wide range of malware families.

Turla Outlook Backdoor: Analysis of an unusual Turla backdoor

Turla Outlook Backdoor: Analysis of an unusual Turla backdoor

Turla, also known as Snake, is an espionage group notorious for having breached some heavily-protected networks. They have been busy attacking diplomats and military targets around the world. Among the notable victims were the Finnish Foreign Ministry in 2013 , the Swiss military firm RUAG between 2014 and 2016 and more recently, the German government at the end of 2017/beginning of 2018.

Cybersécurité 2018 : le prix à payer de notre hyperconnectivité

Cybersécurité 2018 : le prix à payer de notre hyperconnectivité

Bien que nos rédacteurs ne puissent jamais dire avec certitude que les questions abordées dans les articles suivants se réaliseront, nous souhaitons certainement une année moins turbulente dans le monde de la cybersécurité. Nous espérons également que ce rapport aidera les lecteurs à prendre conscience des problèmes qui peuvent survenir. Nous avons bon espoir qu'un exercice prospectif comme Tendances 2018 permettra à tous ceux qui s'intéressent à la cybersécurité d'envisager, de discuter et de relever les défis actuels et à venir.

Windows XP Security

Windows XP Security

Microsoft Windows XP is perhaps Microsoft’s most-storied operating system.  Released in 2001, just a year after the release of Microsoft Windows 2000, it was meant to fix Microsoft’s cycle of releasing separate operating systems for consumers—based on Windows 95— and operating systems for enterprises—based on Windows NT—with a single unified operating system for use by everyone. Combining the reliability of the Windows NT kernel with the multimedia subsystem of Windows 9x, it would be equally usable whether at work or at play. So, how well did Microsoft execute on this vision from so long ago? In April 2014, Windows XP was installed on about 30% of our customers’ desktop computers. As of March 2018, Windows XP accounts is installed on about 5,5% of those systems. While this may seem like a small percentage, it is 10 times the number of computers running Windows XP's successor, Windows Vista, which today accounts for a mere sub-1% of usage.

Android Ransomware: From Android Defender To Doublelocker

Android Ransomware: From Android Defender To Doublelocker

Malware writers have also begun to use more sophisticated methods to spread their infected apps  To avoid the unwanted attention, attackers have started to encrypt malicious payloads, burying them deeper in the application – often moving them to the assets folder, typically used for pictures or other necessary contents

Cryptocurrency scams on Android

Cryptocurrency scams on Android

In 2017, cryptocurrencies became a booming industry, attracting the attention of not only new users, but also cybercriminals. As the fraudsters came rushing to the newly crowded cryptocurrency space, users, businesses, and exchanges have found themselves the target of various fraud schemes – from phishing scams, through hacks, to surreptitious crypto-mining on compromised devices and, as of late 2017, via browsers. Cybercrime targeting cryptocurrency has recently become so rampant that regulators have issued multiple warnings on cryptocurrency scams; Facebook banned all cryptocurrency ads on its platform; and insurers have started to offer protection against cryptocurrency theft.

IoT and Privacy by Design in the Smart Home

IoT and Privacy by Design in the Smart Home

The Internet of Things (IoT) has become a globally recognized term in workplaces and homes, and in a literal sense could be used to describe anything that is connected to the internet. However, if you ask what sort of devices are included in the IoT, then you are likely to get differing answers with respondents describing the devices they have come into contact with, or know about.

Diplomats in Eastern Europe bitten by a Turla mosquito

Diplomats in Eastern Europe bitten by a Turla mosquito

Turla is one of the longest-known state-sponsored cyberespionage groups, with well-known victims such as the US Department of Defense in 2008. The group owns a large toolset that is generally divided into several categories: the most advanced malware is only deployed on machines that are the most interesting to the attackers. Their espionage platform is mainly used against Windows machines, but also against macOS and Linux machines with various backdoors and a rootkit.